FIDA will help the new farmer who have planted Oil Palm CultivationIt provides detailed information about the crop before planting, about its suitability to the environment and the infrastructure needed to get maximum benefit.It shows the methodology and guidance during juvenile phase do’s and don’ts to make the farmer adapt to the technology. As the crop ages, it shows the method of inter-cultivation operations, harvesting to be carried out. It guides them to the nearest collection center and also informs about the stock position of the fertilizers availability in the company’s stock point.Farmer is educated about the nutrient disorders, pest incidences if any. He can see the pictures, compare if they are the same. He can notify to extension team immediately if the incidence is severe. It also lists the names and phone numbers of the extension teams to reach out if they have any query.This app is also connected to the library from where he can learn about recent advances happening in the Oil Palm World.